Things I have learned since starting my own business
It’s been 8 months, its seems like 3 years. We opened our doors in April, and it’s been a whirlwind since then. So much so that I’ve been very negligent at keeping up with my blog. I wanted to share some things I have learned since becoming a full time small business owner.
– Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No matter how small the task. Painting, lifting, hauling, cooking, cleaning, assembling, proofreading, or just listening – friends, family and employees are all eager to pitch in, especially when you are starting out.
– You really DO have to spend money to make money. Don’t be afraid of it. Know your goals and make informed decisions about when and where you spend money. Don’t be a cheapskate. People will notice.
– Giving birth to a business is like having a baby – the first 3 months, it demands all your time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are sleep deprived and stressed, but you wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. After about 6 months, it starts to become a bit more independent. It’s sleeping through the night now, and so are you. But it’s still taking up so much time and energy. And its still totally worth it. At 8 months, it’s starting to crawl around a bit on its own. It’s growing rapidly, and you have to keep up with all the changes. But know that as it grows it will eventually walk on its own. You will still need to be there to nurture it, take care of it, but it has its own life.
– Don’t forget to shut off the Crackberry once in a while.
– You can’t do it all. That’s why you hire people.
– Keep your staff ecstatic. Make sure they are as passionate about the business as you are. And they will be around for years to come.
– Call your mother if you have a bad day. It’s taken me 37 years to figure this out, but she almost always knows what to do to make things better.
– Eliminate the people from your life who are dragging you down. Don’t let anyone hold you back.
– Think outside the box continuously. There is no model for a perfect business. Let it become what it needs to become.
Anyone have any other lessons they’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!