The GeekGrls: Helping Women Get their Geek On
I know lot of women who are truly geeky, very technology savvy and aware. I have met some online, and some at various meetups around town. But my experience in general with the online communities I’m involved with (mostly web technology, social media and business) is that it is still a very male-dominated area. Most of my Twitter friends are male. Most of the people at the technology meetups and PodCamps I’ve attended are male.
For a long time I’ve wanted to create something that appeals directly to women who are interested in this space. A place where women are encouraged to make a contribution to the community and embrace the power of the Web, technology and social media.
Several weeks ago my good friend Sheri and I were sitting on a sunny patio and we came up with idea to do The GeekGrls Podcast. We are both super-geeky in our own right, and though it would be fun to share some of that geekiness with the world. The show is by women, for women, about the things that women care about when it comes to technology. We’ve posted our first show at On this show we talk about our vision for the show and a bit about ourselves.
I encourage you to go and subscribe for free, Episode 1 will be available next week. We really want to encourage participation in the show, so if you have suggestions for topics or guests, ideas or just want to drop us a line, we’d really appreciate it.
And even though the show is presented from a female perspective… you boys are allowed too!