Balance and the Art of Staying On Top
I’ve written before about the importance of balance between family, work, social life, and alone time. We all know how vitally important it is. Yet we continue to fail remarkably well at it. We go and go and go until we literally collapse, or have an accident, or get sick. Yet once we’re better, despite our good intentions, we get back on our horse and do it all over again.
My work life is demanding that I be 150% on top of my game right now. In a little under 5 weeks we are launching a huge project. We’ve got a whole bunch of other projects on the go this summer too. Oh, and we’re producing a TV show to boot (coming soon to an Interwebz near you).
I know I know – it’s not about how busy you are. What it is about, is I’m not sure how I’m going to manage to eek out my balance in the next few weeks. There probably won’t be much, but I have to carve out what I can.
I’ve had some people ask me why I’m not going to Podcasters Across Borders this weekend. It would have been a great chance to catch up with some of my online friends that I don’t get to see that often. It would have been fun to hang out and chat and explore new opportunities with each other. It’s only 2 hours’ drive from me. But, no offense to you beautiful people, it’s not part of my balance this weekend.
What is part of my balance this weekend is the fact that my godson is turning 5 years old. And he’s having a pirate party. And I get to go on a real pirate ship and wear a patch on my eye and say “Arrrr, matey” and have fake sword battles and tickle fights.
What is also part of my balance is celebrating Father’s Day with my favourite Dads. My own Dad, of course. My brother. My husband (doting “father” to our 3 furry creatures). We’re all going to have brunch together, and spend some quality time sharing food and stories and being a family.
And my final bit of balance, of course has to do with music. Tonight I’m going to a church. At that church, will be what promises to be a magical evening with one of my favourite bands, Great Lake Swimmers. It will be a couple of hours of peace and music and good energy.
That’s my weekend prescription – fun with kidlets, laughs with family, and peace through music.
Enjoy your time, whatever you decide to do this weekend. And don’t forget to find your balance, even if it’s just for a few moments.