A Story of Selflessnes
Once upon a time there was a guy named Dom.
Dom needed some stuff, to help make his life a bit better – to help him get around a bit more. Dom asked his friends to help him out.
But Dom wasn’t content to just make his life better. He wanted to make others’ lives better too.
This weekend, Dom and his friends on Twitter raised over $800. Dom is going to get what he needs to make his life better. But he’s also done something remarkable. Of that $800, he’s selflessly given $300 to 12for12k’s May Charity, the Hospice of Peel.
I am truly humbled, grateful, and overwhelmed, that someone could work so hard to bring his community together to help, that the community would in turn come to his aid, and that after all that, he would in turn, do something so selfless to give back.
Thank you Dom – you’re a truly special person. Your community loves you…don’t ever forget that.