Category / social networking

Curiosity Killed the Confusion

I’ve recently come into contact with a lot of people who don’t know a whole lot about the whole social media thing. When I try to explain the stuff to them, I either get a yah, but….or just a blank stare. It’s true, there is SO much going on in this space right now that...CONTINUE READING

Making a Brand for Yourself

Here’s a guy that totally gets it. Gary Vaynerchuk, of didn’t just throw up a little web site with a few videos on it and then sit back and wait for it to go viral. He didn’t think – “gosh, nobody else is talking about wine on the Web”, because he KNEW that lots...CONTINUE READING

Making a Case for Social Media

James Koole from Tucows presented this afternoon at Podcamp Toronto on enhancing corporate communications through social media. Tucows is doing some really neat stuff as far as creating a social media focused web presence. He’s showing the group that it’s not rocket science and all it takes is some creative people willing to invest a...CONTINUE READING

Public Editing: Many Heads are Better than One

Timothy Ferriss, best-selling author of The Four Hour Work Week, has a great idea. He is engaging his readers as editors of the next edition of his book (due out in 2008 or 2009). How is he doing it? He’s published a wiki where people can login and make suggestions for new content, updated information...CONTINUE READING

Bringing Community TV online

Over the past week or so I’ve been writing about my experiences in community television over the years and some of the striking similarities that social media has to the original days of community television. As a result of my articles, I have met Colin Rhinesmith, who is the Community Media Coordinator at Cambridge Community...CONTINUE READING

Online Media: Community TV Comes Full Circle – Part III

In my last post on this topic, I talked about how I ended up with my first media job, working as a producer in community television. In this post I will conclude with how online media and social networking have become the new public access media. Community television in 1990 was a very different beast...CONTINUE READING
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