Tag / passion

Your Dream Job Doesn’t Exist

As we head towards the end of 2012, lots of us take time to reflect on the year that’s past and look forward to what the coming year has in store. It’s a time of evaluating and re-evaluating, of setting a course for the future, and focusing on dreams and goals. For many people, it’s...CONTINUE READING

Are you a Great Teacher?

I was never the greatest student back in high school. I was miserable at math (still am), and miserable at English. I had to take makeup classes after school when I was in Grade 11, because my grammar was “atrocious”. Ironic that I’m now a writer (take that, Mrs. Dicresce!). I muddled through high school,...CONTINUE READING

Hard Work Should Be Easy

I’m inspired this morning by Mitch Joel of Twist Image. In his latest blog post, “How Hard Do You Really Work?”, he mentions a line he uses when he does his public speaking events. “…most people I know are trying to make it to the weekend. I’m trying to make it.” Wow. That is a...CONTINUE READING
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